Ayurvedic Diagnosis of Patient
Ten-Fold Rogi Pareeksha Diagnosing the Person
Ayurveda rogi pareeksha or patient examining is the detailed process of identifying the social, physical and mental conditions of a person that seeks treatment. Rogi pareeksha is a detailed ten-fold process. The physician studies the person as a whole – his/her level of emotional stability, lifestyle, etc are the things to look for.
The ten fold rogi pareeksha routine as described by Charaka in his book Charaka Samhita are described below.
Prakriti - prakriti refers to the physical condition of a human being. It is the some total of the state of tridoshas and trigunas. Identifying the states in each place forms the first step in assessing the physical and mental state of a person.
Vikriti – vikriti is the vitiation from prakriti. Diseases caused due to vikriti are easier to treat than diseases caused due to prakriti itself. The state of vikriti is identified by closely examining the dhatus, malas, and the emotional control of the person.
Sara – Sara refers to the quality of sapta dhatus. The conditions of dhatus are classified as pravara (good), madhyama (medium) and avara (poor). Pravara suggests excellent immune system and condition. In Sara, the physician also checks the extent of satwa in the mind of the person. Emotional stability, clear thoughts, calmness, optimism, etc are regarded as high level sattwa, while a decreased level of this quality refers to rajas and tamas gunas of trigunas, the three qualities of mind.
Samhanana – samhanana refers to the physique of the person. A compact body frame usually suggests a healthy body. Lean or obese body are unhealthy.
Pramana – pramana or examining body proportion involves assessing the relationship between the lengths of spread arms and the height of the person. An almost same length is a healthy sign. There are also several other measurements that tell the physician about a well proportioned body.
Vyayama shakti – (or strength for exercise) is the strength of the person for physical exertion. Appropriate secretion of metabolic or endocrine products during physical is essential for good endurance in demanding situations.
Satmya – adaptability measurement. It is a process of measuring the capabilities of the person to physically or mentally adapt to changing conditions. It is a complex process, measuring the mental and physical reaction of the person to demanding conditions. His/her psychological, neurological, immunological conditions are checked. No other treatment method had similar tests.
Sattva – checking mental balance. It is the capability of the person to continue doing what is required of him without giving heed to distractions – both physical and mental.
Ahara Shakti – or the power of digestion, this test involves checking the metabolic capacity of the person. To take, digest and absorb food to the body.
Vaya – vayassu or age – Ayurvedic physician compares the actual age of the person with his or her apparent age. Sounds strange, but a person appearing younger than he or she really is, is a sign of health. There are different things to look for – skin condition, hair, lifestyle, etc.